
Want free access to resources in the V.I.P section?

Contributions, comments and collaborations are always welcome. If you have a lesson you'd like put on simply send it in Powerpoint format, Word or PDF for consideration for publication. 

If accepted, you will be credited with copyright to the materials and retain all rights. They will be posted in the V.I.P section and you will gain "membership".

I am seeking quality over quantity. Please take time to review your submission and try and meet the criteria below.

Turnkey work Units that can be used with mininmal modification

Assignments and Work Units must have a marking criteria.

Drawings and Plans for Metal or Woodwork Projects.


Safety Related Materials

Feedback and corrections of content errors are also much appreciated.

Contributions and Conacts at

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Pellentesque id tortor ut dui feugiat aliquam et sed leo. Quisque faucibus aliquet imperdiet. Nullam lacus neque, pellentesque non ultricies ac, suscipit vitae diam.
Nunc sapien mauris, imperdiet ac pellentesque quis, facilisis non sapien. Maecenas congue vehicula mi, id luctus mi scelerisque nec. Cras viverra libero ut velit ullamcorper volutpat. Maecenas ut dolor eget ante interdum auctor quis sed nunc. Proin faucibus, mauris vitae molestie sodales, erat nisi rhoncus justo, in placerat turpis elit sed eros.
Mauris molestie, justo et feugiat rutrum, arcu metus dapibus quam, sollicitudin tempus tortor dolor et nibh.